Sunday, July 29, 2012

sinister sisters...

Sinister sisters

more mushrooms taking shape around here, even as the rain stays away and the earth dries up in the forest. sometimes you gotta make your own, you know? another amanita muscaria, plus her two distinctly more deadly sisters, a. ocreata and a. phalloides (not that she's a slouch herself). also known as fly agaric, destroying angel, and death cap. stitched up in a variety of fabrics, mostly cottons, but also linen and silk, some natural dyed.

have you ever found any of these in the wild? i've definitely seen the fly agaric many times, but i'm less sure about the other two. but i've only been trying to identify fungi seriously for a couple seasons now; there's lots more learning to be done.

okay, off to the woods for an evening walk before dinner. hope your weekend has been good.


  1. I once found a fly agaric that was about 5 inches across, but orange with white spots, instead of red.
    I went for a hike today at Nancy Greene Park, and it had all kinds of interesting mushrooms. The most noticeable were large brown boletus mushrooms, some as big across as my hand. If we'd only been a week earlier, we could have picked a basket full for supper!

  2. beautiful mushrooms .... though
    I "like" the raccoon and beaver better ;-)

  3. i have seen all of these in the woods but not this year. With the drought in Ontario I am afraid the shrooms will be few and far between

  4. I loooove them! You have such a talent.

  5. Anonymous8:51 a.m.

    I have seen many destroying angels in the woods.


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