Saturday, July 28, 2012

these two...

these two



last night i think the garbage was rifled through, and this morning one of the table legs looked whittled down. this mischievous pair has been up to no good in the house. a wee raccoon and his beaver friend, seeing what trouble they can get into, as is their nature.

between this pair and the mushrooms, you have probably gathered that a little woodland collection is taking shape, slowly but surely. the forest is calling. i'm hoping to start putting things in the shop soon, but at least a couple more creatures need to take shape first. if you should be curious, you can get some insight into where my head is these days by checking out my stitch inspiration board on pinterest.


it's been ages since i've shared some things i'm loving right now:
>> i love this giant whale, white noise by hannah haworth.
>> some easy fridge pickles sounds like just the thing for a summer bbq.
>> this tutorial on embroidery stitches makes me want to decorate some clothing.


  1. They truely are so unique and so adorable ! Fabulous job, K ! Have a wonderful weekend ! xoxo

  2. whoa! awesome web picks today, and your critters are so saucy! i cant help but like everything you sew, but these have some special extra charm.

  3. I showed this to my $ yr old. He said "are they real". I don't know if that is a huge compliment to your creativity, or just more proof that he isn't genius material. Either way they are fantastic.

  4. super cute, loving the beaver :)


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