Tuesday, July 31, 2012

spring all over again...


pink mountain heather

white rhododendron

jeffrey's shooting star


mountaintop flowers

up in the alpine, the snow stayed late again (and still lingers in many spots), which means spring flowers continue to mingle with summer ones. i've been up to the mountain several times recently, and found my camera pointed at the bright faces of many a bloom. on a recent walk in the alpine meadows my mother and i broke away from the group and meandered to admire all the plants there were to see. so many colours, sizes and shapes to be found. you can click on any of the images for more info about each plant.


is anyone else watching national geographic wild? i'm becoming seriously obsessed with that channel, wiling away the evenings with it on as i stitch my own wild creatures. i'm particularly enjoying untamed americas and america the wild, but i can be distracted by many a show. some of the footage is just unbelievable.

but enough of that free advertising. it's august tomorrow. when did that happen? there is a long weekend approaching, and A and i are planning to head out of town to a windswept remote spot. maybe we'll see some wild beasts for ourselves, rather than just on the tv screen. just gotta get through the work week first...


  1. NatGeo Wild is pretty great, and so is Oasis. My only problem with those channels is I get super sad when they show other animals getting eaten. I know it's nature but I can't help it!

  2. i can see you as a national geographer photographer in the future. You are phenomenal.


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