Sunday, August 10, 2008

more photos: project spectrum edition

dude, I need to catch up on all these photos I have been taking lately. This set highlights the last element of Project Spectrum, which began with the start of August - Water. I've got a few things in mind for water, knitting wise, as blues and purples are really working for me right now. I'm less into black, but will see where it goes. I really flaked on the Air element, I think mainly because I didn't do much knitting in June and July. However, I did start my new cardigan in the last days of July, and it is grey - it's going along well, but I don't have progress pics to show yet.

A trying out a few boulders on the beach.

Later the same day...longboard cruising, which just made worse my mysteriously swollen ankle. But it was so fun anyway.

Wandering along the marina on a clear evening.

See above.

And my first project that fits in with PS, on the sewing front instead of knitting. I wanted to make a cozy hoodie, but add a few twists from the standard. It's off-white sweater fleece, with a few fun purple accents and an off-centre button front. I might still add some more finishing touches, but I'm digging it so far.


  1. Hi.
    That's a fantastic hoodie. Did you use a pattern? I've been having trouble finding good hoodies and never thought to make one. I really like the birds, too.

  2. Your hoodie is beautiful! It looks so comfy!

  3. Anonymous5:39 p.m.

    i love love love your hooodie!


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