Sunday, July 27, 2008

a few thoughts on summer...

i don't have many words today. instead i will share some different views of summer, many centred around the bounty of the garden. enjoy.

the spaghetti squash are growing at an alarming rate. here one finds good support on top of P's whitewater kayak.

sunday morning french toast, cut thick and stuffed with raspberries & strawberries, topped with sauteed apples and maple syrup.

A trying out his new skimboard.

zucchini, bush beans, and pattypan squash fresh picked from the garden.

purple carrots and one lone golden beet.

multigrain pasta tossed in alfredo sauce, and topped with the aforementioned beans, zucchini, carrots and beets (after a light saute). a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.

noro stripe socks. more details here (ravelry link).

honey whole wheat bread rising in the windowsill. this bread is yum - also works well in the above french toast.

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous of your summer and your productive garden! It is so picturesque!


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