Friday, August 22, 2008

west coast weekend...

Okay, so this is the west coast creative blog, but in reality I live on the east coast of Vancouver Island, the east coast of the West Coast, if you will. Anyway...

Last weekend we went to a wedding on the real west coast, as in next stop Japan. The wedding was hosted by West Coast Expeditions on phenomenal Spring Island, and various creative forms of transportation were required to get there by the guests. We chose to drive to Fair Harbour (lots of logging roads) and then set out on a 5-6 hour paddle out into the blue.

Here's me near the end of our kayak out, near the village of Kyuquot.

Spring Island

Bull kelp, my favourite.

Still on Spring Island.

A walk into the middle of the island, land of big, old trees.

The morning before we had to leave paradise, sunrise on the beach.

A rumpled fellow on the way home.

The entire weekend was just beautiful, and the wedding a memorable event. We were sad to only have the three days, but after another 5 hour paddle back to Fair Harbour, and a four hour drive home, we were tired and ready for our own bed.


  1. You take such gorgeous pictures!!! Especially that sunset one, and the eagle. Wow!

  2. Only just found your blog from that wonderful wedding event 3 summers ago! Enjoyed your reflections and love the photos. Do let us know if you'd like to share any of your photos for use on our website, with credit. All the best, David Pinel, West Coast Expeditions


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