Tuesday, April 03, 2012

woodland king...


roosevelt elk

a shadow king of the forest, majestic beast climbing the mountain peaks, poking its head out to say hello. a custom roosevelt elk, a bit different from the last one i made so long ago (or it seems like so long anyway). he's a powerful fellow, an impressive rack of silk antlers hefted high, a wooly ruff of hair around his neck. and eyelids, i hope adding a bit of character. the turtles needed eyelids - it's so clear in real life images. but suddenly i'm enjoying adding them to other beasts as well. i feel the biggest draw to the beasts of the sea, the many curious characters. but every once in awhile a woodland creature catches my attention just as strongly, and away i stitch...


just discovered ben howard... (my apologies for the ad promo at the beginning of the video)


  1. Love Ben Howard, love the new critter.
    Have you seen this?
    Its how we found Ben Howard, our boys love it.

  2. Love this guy so much. The detail in your work is just awesome.

  3. K, you are so amazing. What I wouldn't give to be able to sit with you while you work. Magic fingers.

    Thanks for sharing the link to Ben Howard. New to me and I like it.

  4. Wow! He is amazing! We have Rocky Mountain Elk nearby at our Wichita Mt. Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.

  5. I really like this version of the elk...too bad he was a custom item! Thanks for the link to Ben Howard...new to me and i really enjoyed that one song. Will explore more!


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