Thursday, April 05, 2012

april flowers...

ready to unfold

bleeding hearts

little bells

delicate pink

tri petal

salmonberry bloom

driving around town, or on walks through the neighbourhood, it makes me smile to see gardens start to sprout up with daffodils, rhododendrons burst out in colour, and cherry and magnolia trees flush with blooms. the world is waking up to spring. but to me, those carefully cultivated flowers rarely hold a candle to what is happening in the forest right now.

a friend and i have an annual tradition of a long walk along a local river at this time of year, a session where in between catching up on everyday life we exclaim loudly at each new flower or plant we spot sprouting up. we are nature nerds that way. we haven't had our walk yet this year (we live in different cities), but i have been keeping an eye on what's flushing out between the trees on my own little explorations. first comes the greenery, poking through the soil here and there, or little flecks of chartreuse scattered across branches. and then out pops a few flowers to say hello, until the whole wood seems filled with blooms. the swamp lanterns are always first, and the swampy areas and ditches are aglow in fragrant yellow spires. white tri-cornered petals of trilliums come shortly behind. hot pink begins to light up the salmonberry bushes. dark purpley-pink nubbins unfurl into pacific bleeding hearts. and more follow suit - tiny miner's lettuce and other sweet bell-shaped flowers. soon enough there will be fawn and chocolate lilies. each little surprise nestled gently in the muck or blanketing an open stretch between the trees swells up inside me. a riotous celebration of the new season, but all tucked carefully in the woods out of sight except for those who go to find it.

what about you? are you finding beautiful things popping up in your backyard or on nearby trails? or what are your favourite flowers to look for in the spring?


other things:
• this lemon raspberry muffin recipe might need a try this weekend.
• or maybe this quinoa chocolate chip cookies.
• thinking of starting a new sweater to work on here and there - this pomme de pin cardigan seems like it could be perfect for cold spring mornings.
• and a new job might need a new spring dress: i'm hoping to recreate this one with some cotton gauze that i bought and hope to dye as well. i need to decide on a colour though...


  1. I love the salmon berry flowers - I think they're my favourite just because it's so nice to see the pop of pink in the green forest.

    I'm enjoying watching my hyacinths all start to open right now - and my garlic scapes forming!

  2. we're supposed to get more snow this weekend...but maybe then we can be done with it! so the only thing popping up back there are moose turds.

    love the CP shades dress--i hope you make it!

  3. I so enjoy seeing spring thru your eyes! mine are weepy along with a stuffy nose and itchy throat;)
    but really, you have such a great ability to bring your words alive and let us all share your joy of nature. thanks

  4. Love your flowers. I love spring with all the beautiful wildflowers blooming around me. :)

  5. this was such a lovely post to read, your writing felt alive and empassioned with the treasues of the woods awakening.

    we have some trillium on the farm, planted by a former farmer, and up the road 'trillium forest' as the boys call it, is likely to be throwing white blooms any day. we should check in there soon. by the creek and at the back of the farm there is lots of indian plum dangling its' little blossoms and carpets of bleeding hearts along the road that winds up a big hill out of our valley. i learned of a patch of fawn lilies (i think) and need to see if the foliage is up for those too! so many awesome distractions at this time of year!


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