Friday, January 27, 2012

wrapping it up...

sketchbook / page 14

sketchbook / page 15

sketchbook / page 16

sketchbook / page 17

and so the sketchbook comes to an end, finished now and ready to be shipped off. these are the last story pages - tomorrow i will share the cover and the centre spread where i took what may be a weird little departure...yeah. the 'story' is intentionally vague, so maybe you can make your own story out of it. on some previously posted pages i have since added additional details here or there, but mostly just slight tweaks to the drawings, so i'm not sure it's worth it to take new photos, might just confuse things. then again, i may take shots for my own records anyway, as once the book is sent off, i can't be sure i'll ever see it again. you can view the entire book here. thanks to all of you for your encouragement.

i think having a record of the book will be nice for reference for future drawing too. there are some concepts here that i think would be fun to revisit, refine. it's all still just ideas, but that's what a sketchbook is for, right? roughing out concepts and ideas to perhaps be expanded later.

speaking of concepts, i have a stitching idea that's gnawing at my brain, a relatively simple notion that i'm wondering if i can pull off with one hand. maybe. it's always surprising the things that end up being trouble - tying a knot in the end of the thread, for example (as became obvious while finishing the stitching on the sketchbook cover (seen in last photo). but just maybe...

wishing you all a great weekend!


  1. Love this! You are very talented!!
    Wish I could draw like you... But I haven't been blessed with that talent ;)
    Have a great weekend :)

  2. What a wonderful result it is, your Sketchbook !

    (Iiiiiie: really shocked ! when I saw that wrist of yours .... hope you soon can get rid of that ironmongers'shop .... :-( ...)

  3. You have so much talent! I've loved seeing the pages of this...especially the page that is birds eye view of the tall pines with the whales swimming around them...I've been thinking about that one since you shared it.

  4. you'll want to look back at this and think wow, i did it all with a broken wrist!

    i love the ship landed in the forest! and of course the mushrooms and the (stellar?) jay. all those little details are dreamy.

    good job getting it done despite the hook!

  5. I look forward to you stitching again, k, but I hope you will continue to share more of your drawings with us.


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