Tuesday, January 24, 2012


sketchbook / page 10

sketchbook / page 11

sketchbook / page 12

sketchbook / page 13

the next set of pages from the sketchbook. time is getting tight, just one more week until it needs to be out in the mail. i hope to get it wrapped up by friday. i'm actually done all the drawing i think, and most of the cover art. but the centre spread is still empty. i have hopes to try something a little different there, but i need to get working on it instead of just thinking about it. i am frustrated with how my book has turned out, as i had hoped for much more. yet at the same time this re-immersal in drawing has made me think about other ideas for playing around with my sketches, other mediums for them. we'll see. the problem with being a bit laid up right now means i have way too much time to think. unfortunately i am skilled at both never being satisfied with my life as it is now, and being alarmingly unambitious in actually doing something about it. so i'm full of ideas, but who knows if they will ever happen.

and if that sounds negative to you, well at least i can share some good news. i had my first follow-up with the surgeon today about my wrist. things look pretty good on the x-ray, so i just have to keep healing. they removed my giant splint/bandage and i got my first real look at the four pins (below) holding my arm in place. gross. i now have a cast in place again, which seems so much smaller than what was there this morning - yay, suddenly my wardrobe options have opened up a little more! anyway, those pins are still in there, and will come out when the cast comes off in four weeks. that sounds like it will be rainbows and unicorns (ha!) but at least there is an end date in sight, when i can start to flex my wrist freely and have a shower without a garbage bag on my arm. but even before then, i'm plotting if there might be some crafting i can do, something easy that won't cause too much stress. maybe. first though, must finish the sketchbook!

>>> i was just about to publish this post, when i saw the comments people have added to this photo on flickr, calling me captain hook. maybe the centre spread of my shipwreck themed book should have a different plan than i thought...

 Um, gross


  1. love that first drawing especially, k! out are so talented!

    p.s. glad everything is healing well, seeing those hooks is crazy!

  2. You're amazing! These are so lovely. I especially love the first one too and immediately envisaged it embroidered onto a cushion.
    Keep healing.

  3. captain hook eh?
    i love joanie's idea about translating some of these to textile

  4. k, stop being disappointed with your sketchbook. It's wonderful! I want to immerse myself in it. I especially like the sunken ship. I love how many of your drawings seem to merge land and ocean so one doesn't know where one ends and the other begins. Captain hook inspired drawing? Can't wait to see it.

  5. I love the sketches and the narrative being unfolded. Just think what heaven that first unencumbered shower will feel like...

  6. i like your sketchbook just fine. maybe after yoo ship it off your heart will grow fonder. it is something to be proud of, AND its been a big catalyst for you to think of other things. isnt that what a sketchbook is for?

    i am alarmingly unambitious as well. hmpf! i think of all the things i could do if i just wanted to, and then fill the boring spaces with things im not that into.

  7. Anonymous5:42 a.m.

    Yikes!! I prefer to think of you as Captain Hook with knitting needles in your hands:) Your sketches are AMAZING...I would LOVE to see you put some in the shop to stitch...please:)) HANG in there..Lol..no pun intended! I hope it is healing well...Michaelanne

  8. Absolutely gorgeous! (Well, you know, the sketchbook pages...not so much the hooks, no offense...) I especially love the first drawing. Hope you are continuing to heal!

  9. OK, the wrist picture made me feel a little faint!!

    Your drawings are so cool.

  10. love your sweet journal!

    and: aiy-yi-yi, your wrist. in all my days as a nurse, i've not seen anything like that. and seeing someone else's surgery site outside of my workplace always sqeams my stomach. healing thoughts to you!



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