Sunday, January 15, 2012

the curious story...

sketchbook / page 6

sketchbook / page 7

sketchbook / page 8

the sketchbook continues, this weird little story that i seem to be weaving. i still have no idea what's going on, or at least only the vaguest thread that is stretching thinly from page to page. the order above is sequential, continuing from the last set. i do have an idea where i want things to end up, as now i have drawn the last page (not seen here - you think i'd give that away yet? ;p) and am working my back to the ones above. i just don't know what will happen in between.


a gorgeous day to end the weekend. A and i just got back from the beach where the sun shone brightly, cutting the chill of the freezing temps we have had lately. our voices were regularly interrupted by the honks of trumpeter swans circling in overhead and alighting on the strait. it seems like more and more of them winter here each year.

a skiff of snow still sits in the shady spots, and a bit more is forecast over the next few days, if the clouds close in. i hope tomorrow there might be a walk in some gently falling flakes. i think it's a sort of pedestal vision i have of snowfall, which is rarely ever seen in real life on this tumultuous coast of ours.

hope you are all tucked in nice and cozy on this cold winter's night.


  1. i just love your illustrations, and everything else you do!

  2. i really love where this is going

  3. How lovely your so talented.

  4. Anonymous12:29 a.m.

    You are clearly very gifted, Kristy. Please keep exploring this gift of yours, there's something very special in your pages. Good job, girl !! xoxo

  5. Aaaah you're a great story teller !

  6. I love the ship with the octopus legs peeking out... mysterious.

    I am visiting in BC right now and the snow does seem to be a surprise to everyone :) It is a nice break for me since Ontario is buried in it.


  7. Anonymous2:59 a.m.

    Love your sketchbook! And the story too. Can't wait to see the conclusion.....

  8. Anonymous6:01 a.m.

    This sketchbook of yours is majical! You are gifted in so many, the writing here, was always. Hope your arm is feeling better..

  9. Your drawings are wonderful. I've been enjoying them over on flickr!


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