Tuesday, January 17, 2012

crisp and bright...


ebb tide

fresh air

on thin ice

we have had several beautiful days lately, clear and sunny. beautiful but cold, as clear skies in january usually are. down along the river and into the estuary the water is brilliantly calm, as ducks and swans paddle along, dipping and diving as they forage for treats. i have been trying to get out for walks here and there, to at least get the rest of my body moving even if my arm is supposed to rest. don't need to let too much padding accumulate elsewhere, if you know what i mean. i am itching to get back into some real activity, either physical or the more crafty kind. and really, i'm just itching, underneath this complex bandage/gauze/splint arrangement i have going on.

gentle snow is falling this morning. we'll see if it adds up to much, but it is quite peaceful to look at.


  1. Straight knitting needles are great under-cast scratchers. It's been windy and cold here (high desert, central Oregon), and some snow due tomorrow. We're finally getting some winter!

  2. yay for your snow! i hope you get some pics of it. love that bowl of dried weed (?!) it's bright and crisp up here, too ;)

  3. Beautiful pictures. It's so nice to see the sunshine this time of year. It's usually so dark and gray on the coast this time of year.

  4. you are surrounded by such intense beauty

  5. Beautiful, k. At least you don't have to worry about your photography suffering.

  6. Is your arm feeling any better? How much longer do you have in the cast?

    Wow, beautiful clear skies, for sure! I bet it is cold and crisp. We've had crazy ups and downs in the temperature here, but that's normal.

  7. As laura said..straight knitting needle make great scratchers!Haxx How much longer have you got the cast on for? Love your images. xx


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