Wednesday, December 21, 2011

(not so) wordless wednesday

that light

that light

that light

that light. always appreciated on short winter days. and today, the shortest of all. happy solstice! i think this is a good time to sign off until next week. a little break to savour this time of year with family and friends. wishing you a merry christmas if you celebrate such, and either way a happy return to light as we approach the new year and the days begin to lengthen by little increments.


>>> if you have 20 minutes, a little of that beautiful west coast light can be seen in tipping barrels, a bewitching film blending the beauty of surfing with that of the great bear rainforest.

ETA: Annie says the solstice is tomorrow, but my searches show it happening at 12:30 am EST on the 22nd, which is 9:30 pm PST here on the 21st, so i'm sticking to it! i could easily be wrong, but either way, enjoy!


  1. You get one more day to celebrate the dark days of winter! Solstice takes place on the 22nd this year. Happy Solstice to you and yours, Kristy!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family....

  3. Enjoy the holidays! (And the sun today is such a wonderful gift.)

  4. love the light here so much

  5. i didnt know the solstice changed year to year. i wonder if that means my anniversary changes too, since we got married on the solstice. better celebrate again just to cover all my bases!!

    love all your golden photos together on one page


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