Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the knits...

cabled mitts

ribs n' stripes

ribs n' stripes

gradient toque

gradient toque

cabled mitts

cabled mitts

hello again, friends. i hope you having some rest and peace in these last days of the year. i am tucked back into my little home again after returning home late last night. we spent a nice few days at my parents' home with family and friends, enjoying the festivities (and food!) of the holidays. last night we almost didn't make it home, as we spent a couple hours at the ferry dock as the wind and rain howled around us, not sure if the waves would abate enough for the boat to try one last crossing before shutting down for the night. luckily amongst all the goodies and treats being brought back home was a thick wool blanket to keep us warm in the truck, and A and i settled in to watch a ski movie on his laptop while we waited. but at a little after 10, just when we were ready to call it quits and head back, we were loaded onto the ferry and made the short but rolling crossing back to vancouver island. while i enjoyed my time away, i was just as happy to return to my own bed last night, and it also made things easier for A who had to work early this morning. as i drove south along the dark, rain-slicked freeway, i was startled by the sight of a herd of elk along the side, a large bull with an impressive rack of antlers in front. a late present just for me, a quick glimpse in the night as i drove past.

but! time to share a few presents made earlier this month and now gifted. some quick knits to keep family cozy during the cold months. fingerless mitts for my sister, a neutral toned gradient toque for her husband, and a subtly striped green topper for my oldest nephew. (for full details, follow the ravelry links.) it seems like i rarely get time to knit these days, so it was fun to do a little flush of it this past month, even if my hands protested a bit. i kept to simple stitches for the boys, and something a bit more ornate for my sister's hands.

today is another dark, grey day with lots of rain in the forecast. i need to do some unpacking of the things we brought home, and a trip to the store to replenish the kitchen after these days away. i just hung a bundle of bacon grease and seed-covered pinecones outside, a sweet gift made by my young nephews who know how much i like to watch the birds. and i'm feeling the urge to get back to stitching, in hopes of a shop update later this week. but a little fresh air might be in order first, if the rain holds off a little longer.

hope you are all having a good week.


  1. happy holidays k
    your handknits are so beautiful

  2. Anonymous2:26 p.m.

    K..you are so very talented!Your family is very fortunate to receive such lovely, handmade gifts..Perhaps 2012 will be the year I learn to knit:) You inspire me...as always! I hope you had a perfect holiday..Welcome home:) Hugs to you..

  3. I love the fingerless mittens.

  4. Anonymous8:12 p.m.

    And I admire those very clever hands. V

  5. Such lucky recipients, k. Those mittens are beautiful and look so soft and cozy. Merry Christmas!


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