Wednesday, November 16, 2011

soaking up the sunshine...

bright blue day

today the wind howled, coming through the trees in thundering gusts and sending the last of the leaves in large swirls across the streets. the rain was heavy, sideways. at times it even became snow, twirling in blizzard like swirls. when i came home there was remnants of white slush on the grass. i love a good storm, but you'll forgive me if today i choose to turn back the clock a couple days to the gorgeous sun we had on monday.

soaking up the sunshine

rose hips and sunshine

comox glacier from the airpark

in between errands, i took a walk along the river estuary, letting the sounds of the city and even the people walking the path with me fade out, and focusing instead on the gentle rustling of leaves in the north wind, and the cheep and call of so many birds. the glacier in the distance, blinding white under the bright sun. i watched two eagles cartwheeling high above, and ducks weaving in and out of the weeds in search of food. one did a spot-on impression of donald duck. i sat for a long time just soaking up the light, my eyes following the eddy lines as the tide swirled back out into the bay. the glistening heads of harbour seals popped up here and there, until with a gentle arch of speckled grey-brown back they would disappear again.

it is an island pastime to talk about the weather. there is always something to discuss - it changes constantly and its fluctuations seem so ingrained in our daily routines. "they" are predicting another cold, stormy winter, and today was certainly an indication they could be right. so i'll take my sunny days where i can get them. all the better when i have a moment to pause and soak it all in.


• love seeing another maker at work, especially when they are also enjoying a bit of sunshine
• i think i need to bake this apple, aged cheddar & sage loaf this weekend


  1. Consider yourself forgiven, k. We've had a few snowflakes in the air here today. I am bracing myself for winter.

  2. Downtown CR is a mess of snow tonight, although south end here is much less. Almost didn't make it home this evening up the Dogwood hill (I know you know these areas so I'm mentioning them).

    This morning was ice and gorgeous sunshine. Go figure.

  3. that first dark blue photo is so interesting. i didnt know if it was real at first, or a textile.

    love the link to that hot pink dyeing. really cool. now i just need a snow-free rooftop in the sunshine :)

  4. The photo of blue mountains above yellow grass is beautiful.


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