Saturday, November 19, 2011

saturday & nearly snowing...



i went for a walk in the woods nearby this morning. the temperature is hovering around freezing and i was bundled up as i meandered along. remnants of yesterday's snow lingered on lawns as i walked past, now hard and icy. everywhere else had fresh coatings of frost, silvery linings on leaves and moss. the sky that was clear at first light was now filled with pillowy clouds, and the anticipation of snow was in the air. we are supposed to get more tonight, although then it will probably turn to several days of rain. fun. snow in november used to be unheard of, but now this is two years in a row. la niña is settling in for another winter.

last night we went to a screening of the art of flight. i'm still reliving some of the amazing scenery and skills of the snowboarders (and helicopter pilots!). if you are looking to get your stoke on for the ski season ahead, i highly recommend it.

new page

i'm getting more into my sketchbook - it is definitely distracting me from other work i should be doing. but i'm really enjoying drawing again, and except for some glitches here and there, i like how my book is developing. if you click through to flickr (click the photo), there are some notes about certain items in the drawing.

current stitchings

and above is a few of the current stitchings i'm working on, and the reason i might get less of them done this evening than hoped. i got a new iphone today. i'm a long time user of macs & ipods, but i've never had one of these before. should be both fun and also wholly distracting. hmmm.

i think i'll light some candles and make the house cozy for when A gets home from work. i'm still deciding on dinner, but i think i might bake some walnut rum cookies. they're super good, and i'm trying to slowly stock up my freezer with holiday baking. what are you up to?


  1. Anonymous5:31 a.m.

    We never did get our snow! Those frosty shots are very lovely! Your drawings are SO good, K! I wish I could draw! Your grey starfish look in place with our grey skies! Raining here today also..and we ALWAYS have snow by now..but none so far..Well..Heading out to do some shopping today! Have fun with your new phone:)

  2. Love the drawing, k, and I have to go back and look at the post from earlier that I missed. I am not much of a cellphone person myself but there is something siren-like about the iPhone. I want one. Have fun playing with yours.

  3. Anonymous11:52 a.m.

    Great drawings - cannot wait to see your sketch book. V

  4. we got snow and then back to almost late summer temperatures. The weather is more bizarre than usual here.
    Love those frosty pics.
    I have been busy with writing up some projects and making ornaments for bookhou.

  5. Anonymous12:41 p.m.

    I think I can dream about snow for a long time ... we usually get one single day of it, but last year ... not even one :(
    YAY for your new phone ! We got converted last winter (a year now !) & now have iMac, MacBook, Ipads & Iphones. We just installed IOS5 & it's nice. Enjoy yours !!

  6. Your sketches are very beautiful! I'm not a phone person so don't ache for an iPhone but my life changed when I got my first iPod (now on my third)!


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