Monday, November 07, 2011

mushroom monday...

it's that time of the week again! hope yours is starting off well, and here's a little fungi love to get you started:

scaly vase (or wooly) chanterelle, gomphus floccosus
scaly vase chanterelle

smoky-gilled woodlover (conifer tuft)?
little cluster

look up

rosy russula russula rosacea
red & shiny

a white/grey incarnation of fluted black elfin saddle, helvella lacunas. there were many black ones in the area too.


the rain forecast for today hasn't started yet (wait, is that a hint of blue above?), but thankfully after an ugly effort spread out over three days i have cleared most of the carpet of fallen leaves from our yard...until a bit of wind blows to bring down the rest. argh. at least the chickadees sang cheerfully for me while i did it. they are flitting in and out of the birdhouse while i look out the window, reminding me they could use a top up of seed. i'll do that and then i'll make myself my own breakfast. don't forget, the shop will be updated at 10!


  1. (sigh) Lovely. I've resorted to busting out one of the "grow your own" mushroom kits in order to get my fungi fix. They're supposed to be holiday gifts for other people but...

    Have a good week, k.

  2. the fungi have been buried in layers of leaves here in the forest but I am hoping the warm weather we are having , sprinkled with rain might coax them out again before winter the blanket of white arrives

  3. I would love it if you would create a 'blurb' book of your photographs and your info next to it!!

    I LOVE your fungi pics! I wanna buy that book!!


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