Sunday, November 06, 2011

beachy preview...

boor grey whale no.6

humpback whale no.17

barnacles at the beach

minke whale no.3

urchins at the beach

the beach was chilly this morning - despite my bundled layers my fingertips sticking out of my fingerless gloves were frozen within minutes and my face felt raw, even though there was no wind. the sky was quilted with clouds, covering the mountain tops to the west but visibility at sea level stretched to the horizon. gulls and ducks swam in clusters in the shallow water just beyond the slowly disappearing sand as the tide came in. surprisingly, there were lots of other walkers along the sand, braving the cold after getting up early (i presume) because of the time change. still, i managed to find a few quiet spots here and there for my photoshoot. above is a little preview of the items going in the shop tomorrow. i'm reluctant to give an actual time, as i'm sure somehow i'll forget, but let's say 10am PT.

by the way, i'll also be participating in poppy talk's pre-holiday handmade market starting tomorrow and running until december 2. stop by and check out all the great artisans - i'm hoping to get a little holiday shopping done.

beluga whale

this little beluga whale came together after encouragement from a few folks. she's a little out of my west coast "range" that i generally hold to, but they do still venture into the north pacific from time to time. she also appealed to a lure i'm feeling these days for white and ice. i see folks like Lisa and Margie have been having similar urges; we must be on similar wavelength as winter and snow begins to move in. there is now snow here yet, just up in the hills, but it feels close. tonight there will be just more wind and rain though, like any november day worth its salt around here. i am sure there will be other white animals and pieces appearing soon. and some more belugas - sorry, but this one is already spoken for.

it's getting dark now, only 4:30. yikes. makes it feel much later. thankfully the house is filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread, and i'm planning a cozy lentil stew for dinner. now if i could find some motivation, i'm hoping to tackle a new dress for me. a remnant piece of grey and white linen from the fabric store was much bigger than i thought, and i think it will make a nice slip-on dress to wear with leggings and a sweater at this time of year, with sandals come summer.

what did you do this weekend?


  1. So lovely!! That beach looks beautiful. I also went to the beach, but its just turning onto summer over here, so it was nice and warm!!

  2. I love your little beluga - and since I live on Kachemak Bay which has belugas, yay!

  3. your creatures get better and better
    and I didn't think it was possible.

  4. Did my first craft fair on Saturday and it was very successful. Lots of fun, too.

    Today was a shopping, cleaning, baking kind of day. And watching a great hockey game :)

    Love your urchins, as always.

  5. The urchins are just divine! An d I love the beluga, well all of them really!
    Though I don't envy you the cold. It is radiating out from the pictures . Glad I'm tucked up in a nice warm house.

  6. you got that belugas head just perfect! a very nice addition indeed.

    i did my regular routine this weekend: a lil home depot errand, some thrifting, made some chowder, photoed some bull moose and met my state representative ;)

  7. oh i love your little beluga whale! i look forward to seeing more of them.

  8. Anonymous8:29 a.m.

    Amazing work K! What fun to see what your finger stitch up! I made NOTHING this weekend, as I worked, but hope to get some stitching done this week! My little grandbabies are coming for a visit WED:D! So excited! I will visit your shop this week:) Have a good Monday!-Michaelanne

  9. I just love your beachy collection. I especially love that stack of urchins!

  10. wow.. you sure have been busy!! how are your fingers holding up?? LOVE y'all of them.. but really love the pic of the barnacles what a great shot..and a little beluga awww.. so precious!


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