Wednesday, October 19, 2011

out for a walk...

evening through the trees

sunday evening. out for a small ramble along the trails right near my home, through young woods of alders and maples, the occasional conifer. the ground here is littered with leaves turning brown now, a blanket for the earth as it begins to nod off in the early stages of its long winter's nap. i have been trying to get out for lots of walks these recent evenings, savouring those last bits of light. soon enough it will be dark before i even finish work, and there will be little chance to venture into the trees except on weekends. but if one wanders through the leaves now, there are plenty of treasures to be found, if you keep your eyes open...

little family

little wings

poking up to say hello

nature therapy of the best kind. a little something to help gain a few clear breaths, let my shoulders relax a bit. a few moments of peace in what seems to be a hectic life these days. thanks to all of you who stop by here to visit me, even when i don't feel like talking much. we've had a bit of clear weather, nice fall days, although the rain seems like it will be creeping back in now for a little bit. hope you're keeping warm as autumn's chill takes hold.


ps - i just signed up for the sketchbook project. i wanted to for the past couple years but held off for some reason. i think part of it may have been that the tour of all the finished books wasn't coming anywhere near where i live so i wouldn't be able to see them. this year the tour is coming to vancouver though, so i decided just to jump in. i know there's a few artsy/craftsy readers out there who would make excellent sketchbooks, if you've never signed up before...


  1. I agree, nature therapy is the best kind. My husband and I just bought our first house in the town I grew up in, I know the trails from my parents house but the ones within walking distance from our new house are still to be discovered. Soon hopefully!

  2. Anonymous2:31 p.m.

    wow beautiful colors! I just love lush forests like that.. I'm taking a guess that you are out on the west coast or near it some where. I've seen forests like that out in Seattle...oh how I miss it ;)-Jill

  3. Anonymous2:33 p.m.

    lol yeah I'm an idiot for not looking at your blog header hehehehehe

  4. It's great to hear that you're joining the Sketchbook Project! I'm working on my second year. I hope to visit the Vancouver exhibit when it rolls through in May.

  5. I'm coveting your mushrooms a bit. I'm just in from a walk myself. The leaves are so crunchy it was almost hard to keep up a conversation. We're headed below freezing tonight so mushroom spotting from here on out will be slim.

  6. the sketchbook project sounds fantastic! i thin i want to send a sketchbook around the world with you (and thousands of other people's?!) what an exciting concept :)

  7. we are having crazy heavy rainfalls here right now
    but after the rain
    there is often wonderful things popping up
    in the forest
    i wish i could sketch
    maybe there will be a dye journal project one day

  8. beautiful. I love to drop in and rest my eyes on your photos. I realised with a start the other day that my sketchbook needed to be filled by January! I'm doing 'a path through the trees'...

  9. Rendell11:47 a.m.

    I love evening walks, most of mine are along the seawall here in Vancouver...I too have signed up for the Sketchbook Project and am excited it will tour through here.

  10. I love that second and third photo especially.. they are sooo magical :)


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