Sunday, October 16, 2011

on the boat

are you taking part in saving sunday on flickr yet? the group description reads:

saving a single moment from sunday.
a quiet retrospective.
taking sunday back to a place of rest, a preparing for what lies ahead.
a moment captured for one to come back to during the week.

i like that. and that is just what the moment above was. a momentary pause on the journey home, and little time to stare out the windows at the sea as we travelled between the mainland and our island. hope you all had a bit of time for quiet retrospective this sunday.


  1. Thst's lovely.
    Makes me wish I didn't work 8 till 5 on sunday!
    haha, oh well!

  2. Your Sunday was good!
    Sorry missed a bit : love your tiny woven treasure pouch, and those sea creatures are marvellous !

  3. Not yet taking part in saving sunday but I'm tempted to.
    Something to set a tone for the week perhaps, and to look back on at the end. Sounds like yours was a lovely weekend!

  4. I love this moment,k, and I may steal it as my own, at least pretend it was mine. My SUnday was shunting from one birthday party to the next and grocery shopping. By the evening, I was ready for a little knitting.

  5. it was so gorgeous out today, windy, but gorgeous. i needed it, plus i had the beach to myself and i REALLY needed that. i needed the simplicity of the beach, it helped to calm my chaotic mind... hope your monday is full of beautiful weather and adventure!

  6. Anonymous6:11 a.m.

    I had not seen that on Flickr..what a nice idea..I had to work this past Sunday..12 hours! BUT..There were moments in my day..especially, when one of my patients just spontaneously threw her arms around me and gave me such a smile...I wish I could have a picture of her face..but it is in my mind! I will have to join the group..Thanks for sharing K...

  7. Rendell12:06 p.m.

    Something to aspire to...thanks for your post, the ferry is a great place to spend a moment or two or three.


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