Saturday, September 17, 2011

popping up...


drip drop


crackled caps

forest cauliflower

only a couple days of rain so far, not enough to thoroughly soak the forest floor. but still, things are beginning to appear. i went for forest walks twice this week, assessing the lay of the land and eagerly keeping eyes peeled for treats and treasures of the fungi persuasion. nothing to eat yet, except that big cauliflower mushroom above; unfortunately, many creepy-crawlies had beaten me to it. ugh. but that's okay, they will all come in time, and i am enjoying watching the woods gain back their lush, over-saturated appearance, knowing there will be something new to see each time i venture into them. if you know the names of any of these, please chime in - i only know that the second from the top is a red-belted polypore fomitopsis pinicola, and the bottom is a cauliflower sparassis crispa.

autumnal tones

autumnal tones are everywhere now. above is a recently finished custom sea urchin in rusty/creamy tones. last night i finished my handknit cardigan in its dreamy golden colour - it's blocking now but i will share soon! and the maple trees have starting changing colour with a vengeance.

what are you up to this weekend? A started work earlier than usual today, which meant i got up a nice early hour and am well into my day. i'm just waiting for some oat soda bread to come out of the oven and am trying to organize all the other things i want to get done today. post office, recycling, blackberry picking, and hopefully a good bit of stitching in too. and while i am enjoying the new rain this week, it's nice to look out and see a large swathe of blue this morning. saturday is off to a good start!

i am a bit back-logged on photos i would like to share with you, but tomorrow we are headed up island a little bit to meet my sister and kids for a walk we try to do each year, along a river where the salmon come up in large numbers to a local hatchery. it is always a pretty walk in the woods, and a joy for all of us young and old(er) to watch the thousands of fish moving upstream. so those will probably be first to come, but who knows?! fall is my favourite, and i'm sure my camera will stay busy!


Lisa has been playing with acorns, both cooking and dyeing with, so i may need to go find some more to try this as well!
• Margie is having an awesome giveaway that you should go enter.
• and since autumn is a knitter's favourite season, i really like Jenna's knitter lore.


  1. Pretty fungi! nope none of that around Texas yet! But we have rain for the first time in around five months yay! I love the colors of your sea urchin too! enjoy your salmon trip!

  2. If you're going where I think you're going -- keep an eye out for the bear, too :)

    Unfortunately the blue skies did not stick around, but I'm making stew later and fresh dinner buns, for company coming. Should be a lovely week-end evening.

  3. All those different funghi are so great....
    Love your sea urchin

  4. I love that sea urchin!

  5. I am totally impressed with the mushrooms but they pale in comparison to that amazing urchin! You have magic fingers.

    A sprinkle of rain here today, the first time in weeks. I'm very hopeful my fungi will pop up again before the first freeze. (we've already had a few frosts)

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, k.

  6. Anonymous8:38 a.m.

    Sounds like a perfect weekend K:) We are having PERFECT weather..I did LOTS of yardwork, did some baking, and like you..hope to do some stitching this weekend! Enjoy your walk with you sister! I will be waiting for the beautiful photos!


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