Sunday, September 18, 2011

golden autumn...

aidez - side

aidez - back

we are not quite into woolen layers weather yet, i don't think, but i know what i'll be wearing when we get there! late this week, when i probably should have been doing so many other things, i finished up the last stitches of my aidez cardigan and then forced myself through the seaming. i was a little concerned it might be too snug, but after blocking it it seems to fit well. if i were to do it again, i'd probably try to add a few stitches in the biceps, 'cause apparently i've got such huge pipes - ha! i feel like i've ended up with several cardigans that are quite slouchy and shapeless - which have their place - so i'm quite happy to have one a bit more fitted now. full details can be found on the ravelry page (link above), but a few here: knit from squishy soft cascade eco+. this is my first try with this wool and i love it. awesome stuff. i actually have an entire skein and a bit more left, so i'm debating what to do with it. i'd love to make a squishy hat, although somehow i'm always reluctant to have two different pieces out of the same yarn, even if i have no plans to wear them anywhere near each other. we'll see - maybe i will knit something for someone else!

ETA: i almost forgot to say - the wool & wood brooch i am wearing is from the very talented Lisa at lil fish studios. when i ordered it a little while back and it arrived in the mail, i knew right away it would be perfect with this cardigan, that i had only just started on at the time. check out her work if you are not familiar with it - all of it stunning!

aidez - detail

our walk on the river today was nice, even if i was a bit disappointed not to spot any mushrooms. the forest floor was very busy with slugs though, all sorts and sizes. has got me thinking i need to stitch up some more. the original banana slug resides with my friend Em, and i got to see it again last week. i don't have a real inclination to touch any of the slugs i see in the forest, but i do find them quite fascinating, and i really liked making the first one.

the trail today was also "decorated" quite well with many piles of bear scat. we did spot a couple of bears (maybe just the same one twice), but they were on the other side of the river, where it was nice to be able to watch them but be slightly less concerned about them being a danger to us. and of course there were lots of fish. i think in years past we have gone a few weeks later, where the fish are really coming in droves, and the *ahem* fragrance of them is strong in the air as many have already spawned and died, or been dragged into the woods for eating. there was very little of that today though, which made it a more fresh air walk - ha. i'll share a few pics later this week.

now back to cooking dinner. i wish i could share more shots of the food i make, but the near lack of natural light in my kitchen combined with the general late hour i usually make dinner precludes that most of the time. so i'll share a few links instead:
• last night i made a batch of one of my favourite soups, this kicked up coconut split pea soup, which we ate with this oat soda bread i had made in the morning.
• and tonight i'm making pizza x 2. no real recipe to point you to, but one has cottage cheese, assorted peppers (spicy & sweet), a few 'shrooms, tomato and hot calebrese and is baked my usual way on the pizza stone. the second uses some magic sauce with spinach, mushrooms, garlic and bacon and i'm trying out cooking it in my cast iron pan thanks to an idea i spotted on pinterest.
hmmm, the above shows that i am distinctly settling in to winter hibernation mode, and my waistline is going with the rest of me. nuts. best get back out to hiking through the bush in search of mushrooms!


  1. Such wonderful things you've been up the images of seeing bear feasting on the dying salmon. I long for a such a spot to view that with my fellas!

    Cooking photos...I suffer the same issue, and I'm going to do a better job at posting some things...maybe I have to start make dinner for lunch;-)

  2. beautiful automnal cardigan,i must take example on You and finish the one for my little girl.....thank You for your answer...since then the top of the mountains here have been sprinkled with snow....

  3. Beautiful cardigan! It's a great colour and I love the little brooch :)

  4. I'm gnawing my fingers in envy that you can whip up such a great cardigan. I can only knit in one stitch in a straight line (and only in one colour..) but am determined that this will be the autumn that I learn to do more!

  5. Beautiful cardigan,k, and you have my brooch. Okay, it's not actually mine. It's yours but I want it. I love Lisa's brooches.

  6. Lovely cardi, may I ask where you got the broach?

  7. It's wonderful! I always have to adjust patterns for myself- mainly to make the arms and body longer.

    We're heading into the earlier darker evenings now here too so my picture taking of meals struggles. Heck, taking pictures of food is hard- even with the lighting!

  8. The cardigan turned out beautifully, well done! I know what you mean about a fitted piece, sometimes it's just nice to polish up a little :)

    Gorgeous day today - hope you get to enjoy some of the sunshine!

  9. I have so much love for this beautiful sweater! The color is perfect, and the cables are perfection!

  10. You made that?? Seriously?? Whoa. That is the most beautiful sweater I have ever seen. Seriously. Wow.

    And I'm just dying that my little brooch gets to hang out on it. Thank you.

  11. Gorgeous colour on that sweater :) I am starting hibernation mode too... trying to remember what little knitting I learned last winter :)

  12. I love the cardigan - that's one of my very favourite colours! Your blog is full of things that make the end of summer not seem so sad.

  13. Anonymous11:44 a.m.

    since I'm ONLY beginning to learn how to knit, I am definitely DROOLING looking at you & your long cardigan, oh my gosh !! The color really compliments Lisa's gorgeous brooch. Two thumbs up, lady !!

  14. The cardigan is beautiful and so well fitted! I see why you couldn’t do anything else but finish this project. Have a great day. Keep looking for mushrooms.


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