Tuesday, August 23, 2011

giveaway winner!

grunt sculpin

thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway and for all your well wishes on my shop (and blog). i loved hearing about all your favourite sea creatures. i don't know if i could every pick just one, there are so many that are dear to my heart. however, the little guy above did a good job of trying to win me over, during out trip to the ucluelet aquarium yesterday. he is a grunt sculpin, a curious little fish. he likes to scoot along the sea floor, using those wispy front fins to grip the bottom. i think he might fall under that "so ugly it's cute" category, but i think he's awesome.

okay! i'll stop leaving you hanging. the winner of the starfish is:

elisa.b! elisa, please email me at fogandswell [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing address so i can send the sea stars on their way. thanks to all for your support - hope you're having a good start to your week.


other good things today:
• i just received my soap order from tara at on a branch and they all smell divine. can't wait to try them out.
pinterest is a very good place to find dinner ideas; tonight i'm making mushroom & kale stuffed phyllo pastry. just from the smell of the mushrooms sauteeing, i can tell you it will be delicious.


  1. You are so sweet! what a great giveaway.

  2. a curious little animal, your photo emphasizes his beautiful colours and shapes....have a nice day!


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