Tuesday, August 23, 2011

another treat day...

i...feel like i'm being watched.

back from the beach, thanks for your wishes, we had a good time as usual. pictures to come soon. and since you were all so kind as to share your favourite sea creatures with me, i thought it was about time to share some shots taken last week out on the boat up johnstone strait. these are just a few of the many i love (oh and two that are not sea creatures of course!) that we were lucky enough to see that day. above, a bald eagle who stared me down as i took some snaps - perhaps i was interrupting him from his fishing.

rock sausages

a couple of "rock sausages" (aka harbour seals) hanging out.

a whale of a tail

a juvenile humpback whale making its way lazily down the strait.

squee! baby orca

a large (15-20 individuals) but disparate group of resident orca was amazing to watch in the still water, including this sweet little baby killer whale.

can't you see i'm eating

a black bear who was much more interested in the ripe salal berries than us watching from the boat.

a perfect pair

too close!

a couple more orca shots, including this big bull above who surfaced right beside the boat with his companion, making me (for a moment) bemoan the telephoto lens on the camera as i struggled to fit him in the frame.

tidal rapids

and although it was a pretty calm day, the passages can always be counted on for a bit of swirling and whirling - these are the tidal rapids at Seymour Narrows during flood tide. even with two large and powerful engines on the back of the zodiac, the whirlpools nip at the boat and tweak it left and right as you move through.

just another day in paradise, right? i am very lucky to have a friend who lets me ride along on her boat tours sometimes.

back again this evening with the winner of the giveaway!


  1. Incredible shots, K! Those little seals are too cute, and the bald eagle shot is amazing!

  2. Beautiful... I hear you on the telephoto panic! What an opportunity! You are truly blessed to live in such a beautiful area, and to have a friend who allows "ride alongs"!

  3. very beautiful photos you share with us....I hope to see by myself all these beauties, may be one day but for the moment I admire them through your eyes, thank you !

  4. Love those pictures. I especially like the "rock sausages" :)
    Just amazing!

  5. the water is so full of life! such a blessing to live near thriving bodies of water.

  6. Well you sure had some incredible "encounters", amazing!

  7. good grief.. my squealing with delight was just getting louder and LOUDER as I scrolled down!!!!

    Bald eagles..humpbacks..killer whales..bears !!!!!!!!!

    OMG !!!!!!! I am seriously going right there some day!!!
    I would be spinning out with joy!! Thanks for sharing..your moments with these special creatures!!
    What a day that must have been .. I'm just amazed that you saw so many!!
    PS I just received my chanterelles today.. yay! they are beautiful..the onion dye is amazing!
    Cheers , Helen

  8. Lucky you, to be so close to such a wild environment. I am going to visit BC sometime soon, and I hope to make a few stops like this.
    Thanks :)

  9. Spectacular photos of some really beautiful wildlife. You are truly blessed to live in such a scenic part of the world alongside these magnificent creatures. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Rendell8:04 p.m.

    Wow!! Your photos are beautiful, thank you so much for sharing. I might have to book a trip with your friend. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your wonderful handmade creatures...maybe I'll be the fortunate "pickee" next time :)

  11. Beautiful photos, k. love those little "rock sausages." Perfect name for them.


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