Tuesday, July 19, 2011

solar dyeing (now with less solar)

solar dyeing

well okay, not no solar. but i have probably mentioned once or twice (and feel free to tell me to shut up) that our summer has been kind of lacking in the sun and heat department. so while i started this dye bundle in the sunshine, and finished it there too, much of in between was grey days and rain. and yet...

dye bundle, before & after

dye bundle unwrapped

solar dye results

on impulse after reading margie's article in the newest issue of b.a.h. magazine, i decided to start my own dye bundle with assorted plant materials from the yard, mainly dandelion heads and those purple bellflowers. laid out on white linen and wrapped up into a tidy bundle with some wool yarn, i plunked it into a jar full of water (with a bit of alum in) and set it on the bench outside. and let it sit for about nine days. what came out was a mainly greenish fabric with pleasing splotches of saturated yellow, bright green and a bit of blue here and there.

solar dye results

have you done any dyeing like this?


  1. i especially love the color of the yarn!

  2. So pretty. I also really like the colour of the yarn. If I could, i would send a little of our sun and heat your way.

  3. such beautiful results!

  4. beautiful results! i have done some solar dying like this, but is didn't stay that well and the color faded some... but i also did solar dying with premordanted cotton (in alum) in a vat with flowers that i let sit to create the dye and then added the fabric for a few days. it came out well and it was really cool to see the color of the dye turn from fuschia to purply blue from the alum!

  5. Anonymous10:14 a.m.

    name of the flower...where we are, they are called Harebells.

  6. That's so cool! I haven't tried 'solar dyeing' but want to after reading your post.


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