Thursday, July 21, 2011


handful of salmonberries

delicate thimbleberries

bowl o' huckleberries

the strawberries are mostly over (but heavily stocked up in the freezer), and after a few good pickings of cherries i have mostly given them over to the birds (yesterday i came home to at least eight robins in and around the tree). this weekend i'm planning to raid my mother's raspberry bush, but a little wander around the yard and down the street yielded some other delicious fruits to be found: tart, juicy salmonberries in a jewel-like array of colour; fragile thimbleberries that taste like raspberry jam; and little round huckleberries, so vibrant nestled amongst the green leaves on the bush.

soon enough these rich red berries will yield over into the darker fruits of late summer around here - blackberries, purple plums, blueberries, salal berries. a shift in palette, a hint about the coming seasonal change. soon enough, but not quite yet.

what berries/fruits are you enjoying right now?


  1. Beautiful reds!
    And we're running very low on solar too :( Love your dyeing, lovely flower choices.

  2. leave it to you to perceive the berry colors as a commentary of the seasons. that's great!

  3. Anonymous11:00 p.m.

    Oh, how lovely! I'm enjoying berry season, but even more so I'm enjoying fresh peas. Yum!

  4. We're looking forward to enjoying berries here in PR. Soon. At our cabin we were picking wild strawberries and gooseberries!


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