Tuesday, March 08, 2011

wordless wednesday

southeasterly, originally uploaded by k | fogandswell.


  1. Beautiful. Thanks for my beach fix.

  2. Woke up to another one blasting through today.

  3. Oh to stand on that shore and take a deeeeeeep breath. Ahhh.

  4. Hi K. Lots of (as usual) beautiful posts to catch up with after my week away (without computer access!). I think you have inspired me to make some bread. This is not something I have done on my own.

    Amazing how different the north Pacific coast looks compared to the florida southeast coast. But, still that mystery of the ocean.

  5. lovely shot, makes me want to stand on that beach, and feel the breeze.
    we got another dump of snow yesterday and today, pouring rain.

  6. i am so happy that though i live so far from the sea in landlocked ontario, i can experience it almost every week from my dear blog friends on either coast.


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