Friday, March 11, 2011

inclement weather...

{these images of a relatively calm marina with boats clinking softly in gentle waves seems a bit of a juxtaposition to the images coming out of japan this morning and the tsunami warnings/advisories here along the west coast. my thoughts are adrift upon the seas this morning, thinking of those lost and hoping for those struggling through.}

red boat / low tide

my new camera lens arrived on wednesday, and the inclement weather provided enough of a window after work for me to zip over to a nearby marina to try it out. with the gloomy lighting, and ruffling breezes prohibiting macro shots of branches and leaves, the jury is still out on whether the new lens is sharper. i will say, however, that i'm quite pleased with the noticeable increase in responsiveness and speed. later on i tried it in the living room and was impressed with the optical stabilizer that compensates under slow shutter speed.


as you can see, the storm clouds were threatening that afternoon. it had actually been blowing good all morning, and in typical west coast fashion, regularly alternating between pouring rain and sunshine creeping through. the clouds were hanging over me as i walked along the marina path and the low tide mud flats. this little rowboat in the front actually signaled a bigger surprise farther out in the water.

china cloud

the rowboat, in fact, belonged to the china cloud, anchored unassumingly in the harbour amongst a variety of other boats. the china cloud is a 3-masted chinese junk built in the early 80s by allen farrell right here in the strait of georgia, and sailed by him and his wife Shari for many years along this coast. a great book about the china cloud and its original owner is sailing back in time by maria coffey, a treasured volume in my local books collection. while allen and his wife have now both passed, the boat is owned by a boat builder and usually is moored farther south on the island. to find it here was a happy little discovery.

storm front

although i usually go for walks in the woods or out on the open beaches, i forget how much i like to be amongst the boats at marinas, the wind moving through creating a steady clinking of masts and rigging. when i was little i used to spend time with my dad at another marina, while he worked away on an old converted fishing troller that our family used to explore the coast with. i loved exploring the mix of fishing and pleasure boats, and the sea life clinging to pilings and docks. (it probably didn't hurt that he would also often take me for lunch or a small toy afterward). so much of my early life was spent on boats, whereas now i often just watch the sea from shore. perhaps someday soon i will have a boat of my own to head off exploring once again...

china cloud


  1. Great photos.

    I too spent a lot of my childhood at marinas, sailing with my dad competitively and later on a small family sailboat. I love the sound of masts and booms clinking.

  2. i love the clarity despite low light in these pictures.
    A boat of your own, now that would be amazing.

  3. wow this is incredable stuff!


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