Monday, December 27, 2010

popping in...

just wanted to say a quick hello with a few pictures from the past few days. i've got more images to go through, and hope to share more soon! hope you had a restful holiday. i don't have to be back at work until wednesday, so am enjoying a little recoup time back at home after lots of family time over the weekend.

christmas eve storm

we had a miserable southeaster come through, starting on the 23rd. on christmas eve, the wind was howling and the rain fell sideways. i snapped a few shots on the way up island, but there was no way i was getting out of my car! thankfully the ferry to my parents' island was running, although it was a bit a of rocking ride!


inside my parents' house, all was warm and cozy as the wind swirled around outside. my parents are from denmark, so we celebrate with a big dinner and present opening on christmas eve.

ornaments on the tree

my dad got the tree this year with the help of my niece (7) and one of my nephews (8). and then my mom and niece did the decorating. i think it looked wonderful.

fox sparrow

the day before, we had watched the birds frantically feeding in the cold. they had trouble with the suet feeder though as it whipped around in the wind. this fox sparrow had a bit more luck on christmas day, when the wind died down, at least for a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. Happy you found an oasis of warmth and light after travelling in the wind and rain.


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