Thursday, December 23, 2010

mouth watering...

bacon amazingness

just checking in before the holidays to wish you a good one. i have been baking up a storm tonight, as well as some treats made over the past week. above are super delicious smoky bacon ginger cookies. i actually got the recipe from the current edition of martha stewart cookies, but the linked recipe is almost exactly the same. these are so deadly, but how could you go wrong with bacon? yum.

cheddar jalepeno cookies

a few people have been making these cheddar jalepeno cookies, and i'm glad i finally got around to it. flaky and delicious, i think they'll be nice when the sweet overload of christmas gets too much. who am i kidding, they're delicious anytime.

obviously neither of the above are particularly healthy cookies, but 'tis the time of year, no? i did try and sub in some whole wheat flour, and even a little ground chia/flax seed mix, but let's not kid ourselves. i also made some orangettes the other night (yummy but messy to make) and last week made my usual chewy chocolate gingerbread cookies. so you could say i am well-stocked with treats, many of which i will be taking with me tomorrow as i head to the small island where my parents live for a couple days of family and relaxing.

unfortunately, i did not finish the big present. yup, i had to admit it just wasn't going to happen. but i am confident the recipients will be accepting of getting a present that will then be reclaimed for a few more days of work. i could have rushed through it, but i felt that i would be unhappy with the hurried result (and ever after just seen the things i wished i'd done on it), plus my hands and shoulders were suffering from the constant stitching. so you'll have to wait a bit longer to see it, although i will probably share a bigger look at it once it has been gifted tomorrow night.

for now though, wishing you all some comfort and joy. whether you are celebrating or not, i think this time of year is good for a bit of reflection and rest, and i plan to spend some time with loved ones (and good food and drink!). i should be back in a few days with some more gift projects to share, plus some new things in the works. peace, k.


  1. Merry Christmas, k. We are also planning a Christmas filled with food and drink and rest. Oh, and throw in a little bit of excitement courtesy of two young boys.

  2. Hope the ferry ride is uneventful!

    Have a wonderful holiday with your family.


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