Friday, November 12, 2010

the white stuff

forming ice at creek's edge

perhaps inspired by margie's beautiful frosty and snowy photos, we decided to search out a little winter of our own. up the mountain to the paradise meadows, where we headed out snowshoeing in an overcast day. a few good layers of snow have fallen up in the mountains, but the ski hill is not open yet so it was quiet and we were alone for our walk.

whiskey jack

it didn't take long for a whiskey jack to come and say hello, and i marvelled at his aerial acrobatics for a moment before he moved on. he landed gracefully in a tree high above me, and then plummeted in a dive straight down so that i thought he would head right into the snow. at the last moment he pulled up and alighted on this little tree in front of me, posing for his portrait. later on i heard a raven croaking across the meadow, and saw little birds flitting above us and the telltale "chick-a-dee-dee-dee" of those little ones.

living sky

it felt good to escape up into the world of white, even if winter hasn't made it's way to us at sea level just yet. down here it is damp and chilly, rain making regular appearances and piles of leaves rotting back into the ground. it's not our most scenic time of year. but up in the hills it's clean and pure with the snow. a rough trail had been stamped through on top of the regular boardwalk that was hidden underneath, but the meadows around us were mostly untouched.

winter scene

i found myself concentrating a bit on the stark scenes that are created by the snow, focusing on the shapes and simple vignettes rather than the bigger view around us. the lakes were frozen over and some of the creeks, but moving water could be heard and seen here and there, sinewy black shapes moving through the winter wonderland.

temporary thaw

snow crystals on ice

i'm kind of hoping for a white winter around here. how do you feel about the snow?


  1. Oh wow, those photos are so beautiful. Paradise meadow indeed!

    We get a lot of snow here in Ottawa, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Winter is my favourite season. It's so beautiful, and so fun. I can't wait to bundle up and go skating, snow-shoeing and cross-country skiing.

  2. Beautiful photos. Kind of makes me want snow. Having grown up in Newfoundland, I think I've had my share of snow and would be quite happy without it. however, as the boys get older, I see how much they love playing in the snow and it now has me wishing for a white winter for them. But maybe not a long winter.

  3. beautiful images and so "Winter". We are just entering our winter!x lynda

  4. I have a love, hate relationship with snow. I love the feel of it, the look of it...the sound of it (nothing is more amazing than being in a forest during a snowfall when the world is absolutely silent). I even love to work in it. But I hate to drive in it and quite frankly, even though I have years of experience, it still terrifies me (mostly cuz of other people's driving). Your images are, as always, beautiful!


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