Thursday, November 11, 2010

the big bad wolf

grey wolf

except he's not all that big. and not really so bad, just perhaps a bit mischievous; more of a "bad boy" than really bad. but he is a grey wolf, pausing for a moment between slipping soundlessly through the forest with his pack. wolves are one of the more elusive creatures to be found in the woods of the island and beyond. those who have seen one are lucky i think, and unfortunately i am not one of them. some day, i hope. for now i have this guy to look at, or at least as long as he lasts in the shop.

he is hand stitched from cotton fleece (reverse side out to make him extra soft) and corduroy. stuffed with locally sourced raw wool, and embellished with more of along his neck and face, along with merino wool yarn and embroidery thread.

hope you are having a quiet and contemplative remembrance day. we went to the ceremonies at the cenotaph this morning. dark clouds were racing across the sky, and the crowd was tucked against the steady rain and gusts of wind. there was a large group despite the weather, young and old. the weather seems to have cleared a bit now, and although i didn't make it out exploring today, i hope to venture out with camera in hand tomorrow. unexpectedly i have a four day weekend (tomorrow is not a holiday but the boss said to take it if i wanted), so i plan to get lots of outside and inside time. i've got several projects on the go which i hope to share with you soon.


  1. I really like this one. I almost put it in my shopping basket on etsy! I'll see if it is still left when I return from the craft fair this weekend. I noticed your mussels sold - lucky buyer!

    Have a relaxing long weekend. Perhaps a little time for crafting? X Maribeth

  2. He looks like an inquisitive old soul.

  3. Anonymous8:55 p.m.

    Very well done and from the wolves I have seen, I'd say his proportions are perfect. VP


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