Wednesday, November 03, 2010

saving daylight...

...before daylight savings ends this weekend.

golden moment

i made sure to get out on a walk today, knowing it could be the last clear evening before we change the clocks back and it's too dark to go out after work. i can't believe it's november and we haven't had a frost yet, although days like this are certainly crisp. i would almost think there would be a frost tonight, but clouds are supposed to move in before morning.

last light

the sun seemed quite high in the sky as i was driving home, but once out walking it sunk quickly through the trees. i had to be fast with my camera to catch glimpses of light where i could.

fast creek

this little creek was moving quickly down through the ravine, before joining the bigger river below it.

puntledge river

the river was fast flowing below my perch on the trail winding through the woods about a 100 feet above the water. i saw one fisherman in the water just off a bank where the river swings around a corner. lower on the river more fisherman are to be found, trying their luck with the late season salmon still trying to move upstream.

leaf assortment

last small leaves, mossy trunk

hope you are enjoying some fresh air too, whether you still have the bright colours of fall or if winter might be already setting in (or spring if you are down south!). the mountains here are boasting fresh coats of snow, and will only get whiter as the days continue. november already? the days move so quickly, especially when they are so short.


  1. Beautiful pictures. It was a wonderful day to be outside.

  2. I love the mossy old tree as a backdrop for those two leaves in the last picture.

  3. you have stunning pictures on your blog! so different from South Africa...will pop in here again.

  4. you have stunning pictures on your blog! so different from South Africa...will pop in here again.


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