Saturday, November 06, 2010

more woods wandering, and shop update

i'm sitting in "my spot" at the dining room table by the window, watching a varied thrush perched in the tree outside. the clouds are dark and threatening rain, and the fir trees are swaying just a little bit. i'm glad i got out for a walk a bit earlier, so now i can be cozy inside, enjoying some leftover potato leek soup (with bacon, yum!). for dinner tonight i'm eyeing up heidi's new winter pasta recipe, with the fresh kale and collards i picked up at the farmers market this morning. easing into november seems easier with homey winter meals to warm me up.

big shrooms

through the woods earlier, quiet and still. mushrooms are everywhere, big and small, clinging to every surface. i think the chanterelle season must be waning here though, or at least where i have been looking. i did find a medium cauliflower mushroom that i brought home, to be fried up with some butter later.

coral fungi

these coral mushrooms are some of my favourites. there are pale grey and yellow ones, but i like the bright orange the best. it really does look like someone has transported some coral from the sea up here in to the mossy woods.

little china hats

the forest seemed more still than usual. no squirrels trilling away, and only the rare bird call. the background white noise was strong though, as the river was flowing full and quickly over the falls. a hairy woodpecker did swoop by to say hello though, pausing on a trunk just in front of me before flitting off, not giving me the chance to raise my camera.

ochre star on rock

A couple of new items in the Fog and Swell shop today. I stitched another rock similar to the acorn barnacle rocks, but this time made a sea star clinging firmly to it, surrounded by a few smaller barnacles. i like the size of this one, it feels good in the palm of my hand. It's available here, or you can still get hanging ochre star ornaments too. i've also been happily making mussels, enjoying building their layers of blue in linen, cotton and silk. there is a set of 3 available, which i like perched in a bowl for display. i think they might also make neat ornaments, so the option to have a hanging loop attached is available too.

pacific blue mussels


  1. I love your mushroom pictures so much. I liked mushrooms before but since I've started reading your blog, I love them.

  2. I would have much preferred tromping through the woods today than building the playground at our local school. It was cold!

    Looks like you had a very nice adventure, topped off perfectly by soup.

  3. i am in love with your forest wanderings
    and you sea inspired makings

  4. Okay, these mussels are a favorite! The starfish rock is as well. You so clearly observe your environment.


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