Saturday, December 01, 2007

definitely december...

December appeared in a flurry here, waking up to a wintry wonderland of snow where last night a cold starry night had been. Now late in the day it is still snowing, and there is over a foot on the ground. This is not our first snow of the season - earlier this week we had a few centimetres, but this is definitely out of character. Dry and powdery, no sign of warming up just yet, it does not feel like west coast snow at all. We just went for a short walk to the store, felt the bite of cold flakes hitting our cheeks, and are happy to be once again curled up in the warm house.

I have been working on a fingerless mitt version of the Inga Hat pattern, with mixed results. Here is the first one, minus a thumb (you can see the safety pin holding stitches). What do you think? I like it, but being the maker I also see the mistakes. And it is a little snugger than I would like. But I've tried to approach it as stranding practice, and not worry too much about the end result. I love the look of colourwork, and have realized I just have to suck it up and work on my technique if I ever want to see improvement, rather than sullenly avoiding it. The yarns used are Drops Alpaca held double (red) and Patons Classic Merino (off-white) on 3mm dpns.

Hope you are staying warm and cozy as we enter December!


  1. Oh wow I want these!!! You needa give me the pattern lol.

  2. Anonymous10:30 a.m.

    I think it is beautiful! I hope you find a way to be happy with it! ;)


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