Sunday, November 25, 2007

a long time coming...

well, this has only been languishing in my in progress pile since last july (yeah, that's a year and more ago). I'm sure I could have finished it much quicker, but initial progress was delayed when we moved and I didn't have the floor space, and then it just got forgotten again and again. I enjoy quilts, and love the finished project, but sometimes they can be quite tedious, especially when I piece them together the hard way, ie each piece separately, and tiny little squares. You may not be able to tell in the photos but many of the squares are assorted stripes - I found three or four different stripe fabrics in a series, one darker greens, one lighter, one with blues. The other pieces are assorted blue and green cottons and cotton/linens I had. I also had a long time deciding on the finishing and back, but eventually went for a simple finish.

There is no real edging, the squares just finish and join with the back. The backing is simple soft green fleece, which i like as a quilt back because it makes it thinner to quilt on the machine, but still provides lots of warmth. This quilt is a nice size for cuddling on the couch. Ummm, not much else to say. Back to knitting?


  1. Anonymous5:13 p.m.

    Beautiful, just beautiful!

  2. Anonymous10:24 p.m.

    I love it! The colors are absolutely beautiful!

  3. Wow! It's gorgeous, the colors go so well together!

  4. This is so beautiful! I wish I had the patience for quilting!


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