Saturday, September 29, 2007

wet and blustery...

it's one of those days that defines november around here - pouring rain, driving southeaster bended the tired trees...oh, wait, what's that you say? it's only the last day of september? too bad, says mother nature. it's the west coast, and the weather here is nothing if not unpredictable. but then again, it's a perfect day to curl up inside with some knitting. i'm feeling a bit reflective today after an eventful saturday. my plans for a large family dinner in honour of my mom's b-day had to be reconfigured to cook on the bbq when the power went out in the storm, with marginally successful results. as well, am nursing a few scrapes and bruises after my dad and i had a near miss with a falling tree. my dad got clear, but unfortunately i snagged myself on some barbed wire while running away, which is where my main wounds come from (and sadly, a ruined pair of jeans), and have a sore back from a branch that landed on me. could have been worse though - the sheep and alpacas on the farm will be getting a bit wetter for a while as some large chunks of the tree made sizeable holes in the small barn roof. an adventure on the whole, but we are not too much the worse for wear.

i have some finished objects to show, and both i am feeling pretty happy about. i finished the column of leaves from brooke nelson, just in time for my mother's birthday. I did two repeats of the central leaf pattern, as i wanted to create a wider, more shawl-like scarf. i wasn't entirely thrilled with the yarn, which is garnstudio muskat, but that could just be my general dislike for cotton yarn. i do like the colour though, and the gentle sheen it has, which i think is perfect if my mom wants to dress it up. i highly recommend the pattern - pretty easily remembered, and somewhat addictive at that. great lacework on the whole.

in a slightly faster knit, in that i decided i needed to have them RIGHT NOW, are my lovely shifting sands armwarmers. i used the stitch pattern from grumperina's shifting sands scarf, which i think creates great texture. i had originally tried some more bulky cables, but was quick to realize i didn't have nearly enough yarn to make them a decent length, and this pattern was much more yardage friendly. i was also going to make them into fingerless mitts complete with thumbholes, but then decided that i wanted something that looked more suitable indoors as well as out, basically just like long sleeves to pair with non-long sleeve shirts this fall. oh, and the yarn? yum, i love this stuff. indigo moon sportweight merino, straight from gabriola island (just down the way) in the loveliest shade of purple (i'm all about purple this fall). my one concern, however, is that although the wool is superwash, i think i'm unlikely to be sticking them in the machine with any other items - my fingertips turned faintly purple while knitting, and i'm not sure my bamboo 3.0mm dpns will ever not be purple again.

next up, i am working on some hats too warm folks up in this fall weather - there are several birthdays on the near horizon so gift knitting is top on the to-do pile. however, i did discover some kauni yesterday at the LYS, and am thoroughly smitten. i picked up some red/burgundy that is calling to be a lovely shawl, so we'll see how that overtakes the other projects. hope the weather is better where you are!


  1. Anonymous4:57 p.m.

    Oh my gooodness! Such beauties, I love the idea of using shifting sands for armwarmers. I'm gonna have to put that idea away...

  2. Anonymous2:00 p.m.

    Good thing you were only mildly scraped up by the tree, yikes!

    I'm in total love with those armwarmers. Indigo Moon, you say? They're stunning.

  3. The armwarmers and the COlumn of Leaves(x2!) are beautiful! I also love the single wristwarmer you did for the Fingerless Mitts KAL, based on the Inga Hat pattern. It's lovely, and you should definitely continue and complete the second mitt!

    Funny, I see your favorite "hobbies" are knitting and photography, same as mine... They are more like obsessions with me! Unfortunately I had an accident with my camera, and I am back to a point & shoot - OK for showing knitting, but not for real photography! We'll have to see what Santa brings this year... ;)


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