Monday, September 10, 2007

fall flavours...

I came home from work today fully motivated to do some baking. I've had some fresh corn sitting in the fridge from the farmers market, and leave it to martha stewart to provide some good inspiration. I tried out her recipe for rosemary corn muffins, which look pretty darn good, don't you think? Very straightforward and easy to make - although I'm sure they are delicious fresh, I plan to freese most of them so I have yummy lunch options all week.

I've also been thinking about things to do with all those farmers market and home grown veggies in the fridge; good option? Pizza. Tried something a little different with my crust today, by substituting some of the water for beer, which turned out well indeed. I also stuffed the crust edge with cheese. Sauce was a mix-up of fresh chopped garlic, artichoke paste, a little leftover alfredo sauce, and some roasted jarred peppers. My pizza is different every time I make it, but this time the toppings included mushrooms (who can have a pizza without them?), garden zucchini & yellow cherry tomatoes, and local zephyr squash and red pepper, topped with mozza, cheddar and parmesan.

And lastly I will leave you with last night's sunset - the weather is just awesome this week. Hope you are inspired to try some yummy culinary adventures in your own kitchen.

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