Wednesday, December 27, 2006

socks and sickness...

well, my post-christmas plan to get to my many work projects has been kaboshed for a few days with the rapid appearance last night of the nasty stomach flu - yuck. i am still struggling today to do anything productive - mainly have just been staring blankly at the tv. did make a quick walk down to the beach this morning when i saw how beautiful and clear it was, but even that didn't much improve how i am feeling.

but moving on - realized i never show any in progress photos of someof my projects so thought i would show how the boy socks are going - well, i think. A. is away at work for a couple of weeks, but i should be done well before he gets back and then will post a finished shot of the socks on his (hopefully) happy feet. i am using my own pattern, with judy becker's magic cast-on, a short row heel (i think - technically i'm sort of making it up, but seems to look good), and a simple rib around the leg. if you're wondering, the safety pins are marking stitches, in hopes that i might successfully make two identical socks! next pair will be for me i think, so then i can do something a bit more interesting - apparently the boy doesn't like fancy cables etc!

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