Monday, December 25, 2006

clear christmas day...

today is mostly clear and quiet after a loud and happy christmas eve. our family celebrates on the eve, as is standard scandinavian tradition, and we had all 11 of us at my parent's house for lots (and lots!) of food and drink and presents and so on. now will give me a chance to post some of the gifts i made for people, although i forgot to take photos of some! will see what i can dig up. here is a toque and mittens ii made for my three year old niece. i also got a store-bought hoodie (i was a bit last minute, okay) and added a matching trim around the hood. they are resting nicely on the snow we had last week but has since left the ground. yesterday the wind was howling and we though we might lose the power for christmas eve, but abruptly it died in the afternoon, with only the rain to remind us.

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