Monday, October 09, 2006

sunshine and blue skies...

did i mention that fall is my favourite season? for confirmation, please refer to exhibit a, photo at left. after a late holiday monday start, and breakfast out, we went to browning beach for a bit of bouldering with friends. well, i didn't do much climbing, but was certainly in full photographer mode. the boys cooperated with a full show on the clean, tide-washed boulders that line the rocky shore.

in the summer, the light flattens during the day, but now even in midday the light is sharp and the sky is bluer than blue, and the colours everywhere impress. you may note the silvery white tree in the photo - at first it appeared to me to be in blossom, but of course that couldn't be right. rather, the wind was blowing the leaves so intently that the silvery undersides were shining up to the sun.

at home again, i peeked outside in time to see the the sun glowing orange through the trees. i got down to the water to see the last few minutes of the flaming orange orb sunk down to sleep for the night.

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