Friday, October 13, 2006

friday the 13th...

the days continue to wane, but the colours around me get more intense, saturated. i am constantly amazed by the blue of the sky, the golds that spark from the trees. here on the west coast, we don't get the vivid array that appears in ontario or new england, but i still appreciate every tree that glows in between the predominant douglas firs, cedars and hemlocks. time soon for black cats and pumpkin smiles, but on this freaky friday everything is bright and sharp.

the air is cold, but the sun hasn't left just yet. we are getting ready for our move off the sunshine coast, so i am trying to get my fill before we are gone. we are moving to much the same environment, just across the straight, but by that time the season will have nearly changed and the rains of winter will have moved in. a whole new phase of fall to relish, but i will take my time with this one first.

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