Tuesday, October 03, 2006

squash obsessions...

autumn appears, and i start having dreams of squash, all kinds, all shapes. this fall in particular i have been mixing up some unusual creations. above is the pizza i made a few days ago, with thinly sliced yukon gold potatoes & acorn squash, along with portobello mushrooms, garlic and spinach. yum. although despite adding some chili flakes and thyme, i felt it lost a bit of flavour in cooking, so would recommend piling more on later.

however...i have a new squash fantasy. i just picked up an orange kobacha squash from the health food store - looks similar in size and shape to a buttercup, but orange (although i understand there are green ones too). i have this theory that i could cut the top off, take out the "guts", and fill it with something and bake it. i've heard a vague recipe of doing this with a stew, whereby you also get a nice chunk of cooked squash when served your stew. has anyone done anything like this? i was also contemplating trying to cook a chicken pot pie inside, possibly with in a pastry crust top. am i completely crazy?


  1. Anonymous7:40 p.m.

    where can you find kobacha squash? can you get them at grocery stores? I love any kind of squash but I really want to try this one.

  2. hi! i think you can get it at grocery stores, but i haven't seen it too often. i got it at a health food store that carried local organic produce, so that probably doesn't help at all. it is very similar to buttercup squash though, which is much more common in grocery stores. funny, i can't even remember what i made with it...too bad.


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