Sunday, October 01, 2006

northwest chill...

october arrived (or shall i say blew in?) as a cold northwest wind skipping across the water to find me on the beach. the sun is shining, and clouds are sparse in the blue sky, but there is a hardness, a sharpness, that separates the day from summer. the chill of the wind confirms the fact, reminding me the last of the warm and dry days is near at hand. even back in the house, my ears still ache from the cold.
the days are getting appreciably shorter, both in terms of daylight, and in terms of hours where i'm functioning. i still am awake much earlier than A., but the dark that stays in the bedroom till nearly 8 keeps me curled beneath the covers. again at night, our cabin tucked in the trees disappears into the dusk much earlier, and i find myself cozy with a book, or knitting, or some autumn project.
next weekend is thanksgiving (canadian thanksgiving anyway), but this year we are far away from friends and family who we would normally meet for a feast. we may invite a friend or two, but the odds are it will be just the two of us. i am thinking of attempting a roast chicken...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:01 a.m.

    That photograph looks cold! Here's to winter quiet, mugs of tea and curling up cozy with a stack of books. Bring it on.


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