Sunday, May 26, 2013

razor-sharp smile...

salmon shark

Two little salmon sharks swimming into the shop today. One is already reserved, but the one above is right here. I used a cotton for the undersides this time, naturally dyed by me with a slight mottled appearance. And I got my hands on some white leather so they have "real" teeth this time. Ragged, ferocious fellows, used to the hard life in the North Pacific Ocean.


We have had some low low tides in the middle of the day this weekend, perfect for beach combing and tide pool exploring. Yesterday AK and I took Ty for a long meander to check out ochre stars, wee crabs and more, all under the watchful eyes of a large crew of eagles also taking advantage of the low tide pickings. The sun has stuck around today, so in a couple hours I think the pup and I will go out again to a slightly different spot and see what we can find. My hopes are on some moon snails...

Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Oh boy, that shark doesn't need to go to the dentist in a loooooong time !!
    (good for him (and for the dentist as well) )
    Hi, hi, hi, I love that "his master's voice-spot" on Ty !!!! ;-)

  2. Love the Salmon Shark, been waiting for those to be made...out doing flowers for Memorial Day. I would love to go tide pool exploring. What an exciting adventure and so many beautiful sea creatures to see. I hope a salmon shark or two decide to swim their way into the shop soon. DREAM BIG !!!

  3. Oh-my-goodness! This is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen!

  4. Hopefully you had some luck in finding Moon snails?


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