Saturday, April 20, 2013


A little something I made this morning. Looking forward to the afternoon.

My somewhat wonky afternoon ring effort.

I stepped away from the needle and thread today, from the knitting pins and spools of wool, the reams of fabric. Today I tried something completely new.

I have been interested in working with metal for some time. More recently, I have been wowed by artisans like Jillian and Kelly and so many others. On a whim I signed up for a one day class, Metalsmith for Beginners, and showed up this morning with an eager glint in my eyes. We played with copper, bronze and silver. We learned sawing, hammering, texturing, drilling and much to absorb. I was a little sad we didn't get to try any soldering, but understood the time and space were limiting. And I came out at the end of the day with two pieces worked from my own shaky hands, a pair of earrings and a...let's say very "organic" ring (organic means wonky and uneven, just if we're being honest). Feeling pretty happy about the day.

There are many who would argue that the last thing I need is another hobby, but I'd really like to play with this medium more, whether on its own or incorporating it into my other work. Lots to experiment with, to be sure. I'm already considering taking a private soldering lesson with the instructor. Sorry AK and Ty - yet something else to keep me from paying attention to you. ;)

Have you learned anything new recently?


  1. The earrings are gorgeous and I love the textures from the ring. It sounds a lot of fun to learn to work with these materials!

  2. so awesome! i love both pieces (and btw, "organic" is my favorite style)... I hope you keep going with this new medium, it is fantastic! i worked with wire for years and have branched out into fiber from there. and i did take a class a while back because i wanted to learn how to solder, but i didn't learn riveting, which i would have liked. however, now i would like to get back into clay, i have some ideas that i would like to have come into fruition, so i am looking into that!
    hope you have a glorious sunday!

  3. i'm not learning anything new, i just have to say that i cant believe how much you got accomplished in 1 day!

  4. i am learning to sew clothing from japanese books and a little about pattern making . I love your ring.

  5. Those are great pieces K!
    You did do so much in one day. I can't wait to see more. And incorporating it into your stitching sounds very cool too!
    I have been doing more watercolor... a learning process for sure.

  6. You sound like me! Pretty much exactly, right down to the inspirations behind it. I'm a potter, a knitter, spinner and sewer, pmc jewelry artist, and added metalsmith (beginning, to be sure) to that. Took a one day class, and then private lessons as well. Then joined a studio. I love it!!
    Beautiful work! "Organic" is my fav!

  7. Your jewelry turned out wonderful!
    I recently started making miniature leather journals and having so much fun. :)


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