Sunday, April 14, 2013

small update...


green sea turtle

My apologies for not posting much recently. Honestly, I guess I haven't had much to say. This too will just be a short post to let you know there are two new beasts in the shop - another green sea turtle and a new take on a giant pacific octopus - this one is covered in logwood dyed cotton gauze, overlaid with hundreds of stitches for added texture. I love to make the octopuses, but they are a lot of work when stitched entirely by hand (all those legs!).

I'm hoping to get a whale or two done this week, so if you have been waiting on them keep an eye out next weekend!


Heading up this afternoon to take in one more snow day as the mountain season finishes. A friend and I are going snowshoeing, and give Ty is first taste of the white stuff. Then we'll watch crazy people in costume ski into a frigid pool for the annual "slush cup". Brrrr, but enjoyable to watch! Here's hoping you've had a wonderful weekend!


  1. These are beautiful, K. The Octopus is amazing!
    I love the gauze dyed with logwood, what a lovely shade.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.


  2. Hello K, I found your work recently via Flickr. I love the octopus - amazing work! Thanks for sharing these and I look forward to seeing the whales.


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