Tuesday, April 02, 2013

in bloom...

lantern of spring



daffodil kiss

in the morning sun

It starts small, literally. Still stomping the trails in hardy boots, head and hands wrapped up against the biting wind, you start to notice small green shoots unfurling amongst the mud and last year's dead leaves. It starts slow too, and can't help but anxiously await the first little flower buds. Then one day they are there - small snowdrops in clusters out in the woods and on lawns, bowing under the still cold breeze on grey March days. The first bright yellow glow of swamp lanterns thrusting up from the boggy areas lights up the woods. And you know - spring has well and truly started.

Suddenly it's everywhere - vibrant green nubs on each branch, pink salmonberry stars, a carpet of green on the forest floor followed by trilliums, fawn lilies, bleeding hearts. Each yard including yours boasts a clutch or two of daffodils and tiny grape hyacinths. The magnolias, unable to hold themselves back any longer, unleash an explosion of petals. The streets are lined with cherry trees littering blossoms that swirl and dance in the breeze of each passing car. You find yourself walking the trails in sandals and a light sweater, hands and face open to the sun. Everywhere the birds are singing and flirting, even more thrilled than you about this change in the weather. Spring has sprung.


After a small string of glorious days, the rain moved back in today and the world feels a bit grey. It's milder though, without the determined chill of a winter day. A few things going on on the interwebs:
>> A recipe of mine made it into the new Hollyhock cookbook. Even without that bit of luck, I would totally recommend this book for healthy, seasonal recipes. I just made the whole wheat chia bread and it's awesome!
>> The weather might be warming up, but a squishy cowl like this makes me wish for a few more chilly days.
>> Once those lovely daffodils start to fade on the front lawn, I think I'll gather up the wilting petals to make a dye bath and if I'm lucky I'll get buttery yellows like these from Clarabella.

How's your week?


  1. I'm a little jealous. We still have snow (and will be getting more this week). But, it's definitely starting to feel and look more and more like spring. And, it's nice to see the beautiful pictures people are taking in parts of the country that are already seeing Spring :)

  2. Yess!! West Coast flowers are beautiful!

  3. Love your Spring photos!!
    No sign of spring here, as we are up to our armpits in snow...

  4. Well we just (hopefully) finished our last snow here in the Midwest - Missouri/Kansas. I just finished a sea turtle painting the night before Easter all done with the palette knife on black canvas, was happy with the turn out. Lots of daffodils and grape hyacinths here as well popping their heads out. Still some very cool mornings 20* but mid to late 50* later. Enjoy seeing your beautiful pictures of the northern country. Makes me wishing for Spring to hurry, hurry, hurry.


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