Sunday, March 10, 2013

my boy...

Morning walk with Ty

I'm terribly behind with posting. I still have lots of photos from our trip I'd like to share. There's been a fair bit of exploring around here too. And - whoa - even a little crafting here and there. But in the last couple days somebody new has entered our lives and is snuggling his way to a fair bit of my attention.

Meet Ty.

AK and I have wanted a dog for a long time. For years we have lived in places where that wasn't possible, but last fall when we moved into this house that was part of the appeal - we could finally have a pup of our own. We weren't in a rush though, wanting to find the right fit for us. And last week things came together and that fit is Ty.

He's a rescue dog that had a bit of a rough start in life - if you look closely at the photo you can probably see he's still bearing some physical evidence of his trials. They will all heal in time.  He's now about 1.5 - two years old, and doesn't have as much training as one might hope for that age. But, he's a fast learner, and already a near-star at many tasks. He's generally pretty mellow, and did I mention he's all about the snuggles? We just got back from our morning walk and he's currently tucked up against me, fast asleep. I'm still learning how to balance life with him in it (not to mention a camera in one hand and leash in the other), but we'll figure it out. Tomorrow is the first big trial, with both us humans going to work all day, although I plan to come home at lunch. Once he gets settled though, and figures out this is his forever home, I think we're going to make a real good team. As long as we can agree that wildlife are for watching, not chasing... ;)


  1. He looks like he has real character. How wonderful to have a rescue dog. He's lucky he found you both, enjoy him.

  2. How wonderful to take him in and show him some love! And shame on anyone who could hurt an animal like him. He looks like he'll be a great addition to your family. I used to have a miniature pinscher who curled up alongside my leg like a little, black comma.

  3. enjoy your new little boy.
    It's definatly not going to be as easy to stalk deer and birds for photos with him along though:)

  4. Cute Boy! I have a Pit, also, and she's all about snuggles. They are also very much bonded with their humans, and very loyal. He will learn very fast, and will appreciate you all the more for the love you show him after his rough start.

  5. Aw, Ty looks like a sweet & good boy ! I'm so glad you rescued him !
    I hope you all will find a rhythm of your own very soon.

  6. i bet you will be wonderful parents to Ty.

  7. He is adorable! He has found a good home.
    Looking forward to seeing what you have been stitching.

  8. what a beautiful boy... so glad he found a wonderful home. what better life could a dog have than one with loving owners and lots of time outdoors.

  9. OMGosh he is precious. What a cutie and he so looks like a "snuggler" he definitely has a great home. I cannot wait to see the rest of your pictures. The pictures of the sea turtles you posted are amazing. And the photos you have taken of the starfish where you live are just beautiful. I cannot even imagine having that type of beauty around me. I hope all is well with you.

  10. love your dog and you have such a pretty view!

    Please check out and follow my blog! I'd really appreciate it! <3

  11. oh how exciting! there is nothing more wonderful that bringing home a puppy, especially one that you can offer a new start and happy home to. I am so happy for you all and i can't wait to see more photos of your handsome new boy!!!!!


  12. Oh, this makes my heart swell. And what a big heart you have for taking in this beautiful creature!


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