Saturday, March 02, 2013

long time coming...

long time coming

long time coming

I started these socks for AK last April, and they've been abandoned many times in favour of the lure of new and shiny (okay, rarely shiny - which is too bad, come to think of it) projects. But finally this past week I managed to finish them up. Squishy cables in buttery soft Malabrigo, I hope they will keep his toes warm as we finish off the winter - and for many winters to come! I do love a handknit sock, but I must admit all those tiny stitches can be spirit-killing sometimes. Thankfully, the end result is usually worth it. Are you knitting anything these days?


The rain was heavy today, but it finally let up just enough this afternoon to head out for a walk, in good timing with the low tide. I wandered the sand and rocks, watched spouts of seawater shoot high when i stepped beside clam holes, marvelled at massive clusters of ochre stars, and stalked a great blue heron. on my way home I stopped for my first stinging nettle harvest of the year, just as hail set in. A fresh bagful of spring greens accompanied me home, and I'm thinking a quiche is in order. Please come back tomorrow for some photos.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


  1. I'm knitting my 4-year old son a pair of very colourful socks right now, but they might not get done for this winter. I'm hosting a KAL on Ravelry, and that's taking up all my knitting time.
    Your photos and words about the ocean make me miss it so much. I stayed with an aunt in Sidney for a few months after university, but I've never had the chance to live near the ocean since then.

  2. I love the Colorado of those socks. I was just given a set of double point needles so I think I will have to learn to knit socks. Have a good weekend! I love your blog and photos

  3. Happened by your way this evening, and OH MY, what absolutely beautiful socks!!

    I am new to knitting and still can't imagine trying to do socks. yikes. But these are GORGEOUS and I wish I could rush right over to my needles to begin such a project. Next year maybe ;>]]

  4. i am also slogging thru a knitting project that will not die: a silk scarf in a tedious herringbone pattern but it will be totally worth it. its a jen hoover pattern and So Modern.

  5. Beautiful socks I bet was well worth waiting for!

  6. The socks are beautiful and I have also socks in work in Hedera pattern and besides of this some scarfs for several family members. Projects like scarfs I do at home because of their dimensions, socks are pretty good compagnions when I travel. take care bjmonitas

  7. i am knitting some socks for my daughter who was home from halifax for reading week. I noticed a few little holes in her favourite socks I had knit her a while back and offered to mend them for her. She says she only wears the socks I knit for her and that if I had the time she would love a new pair for her upcoming birthday. So i think you can guess what I am knitting :)

  8. I have been knitting a little less lately, but I did bring a couple things to work on while I am traveling abroad with my friend... Those socks are amazing, btw, and I bet they feel wonderful because malabrigo is heavenly!

  9. Such a beautiful pattern. I hope to learn how to knit something other than a scarf by next fall. Fingerless gloves are number one on my list. Maybe some day I will advance enough to make a pair of socks.


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